Thorp Wrote the Book: Skilled Trial Representation
Isaac Thorp is the co-author of a number of prominent publications. Thorp's Trial Practice Forms has been a staple in North Carolina Law Firms for over 25 years. This legal treatise serves as a go-to authority for trial attorney across the state.
Injured in an Accident?, an Amazon Best Seller, explains in plain English what the personal injury legal process involves. It is written for people who have been injured by an act of negligence and need to know what to do next. The book explains the stages of a personal injury case, mistakes people can make when making their claim, and how to avoid costly errors.
After The Wreck: Handling Your Property Damage Claim Without a Lawyer

You've just been in a wreck. You were shaken up, but not hurt. However, your car was damaged and the other driver was at-fault. Is hiring a lawyer worth the cost? Maybe not.
This free E-Guide provides useful information if you decide to handle your auto damage claim on your own.
Click on the thumbnail to the right to download After The Wreck: Handling Your Property Damage Claim Without a Lawyer.
Thorp's North Carolina Trial Practice Forms
Isaac is co-author of Thorp's North Carolina Trial Practice Forms, the two-volume book originally authored by his father, legendary North Carolina trial lawyer Bill Thorp. North Carolina lawyers have relied upon Thorp’s Forms for more than 25 years to safely guide them past the pitfalls of civil litigation. Isaac has been the author/editor in chief since 1996, updating the book annually. A staple in law firms throughout North Carolina, the seventh edition of Thorp’s Forms is available through Thomson Reuters, a world leader in legal publishing.
Injured in an Accident? Ten of America's Leading Personal Injury Attorneys Share Their Wisdom

Injured in an Accident? brings together legal leaders from across the nation to share their combined experience on major issues related to personal injury law. The book helps people who have been badly injured understand how insurance companies handle personal injury claims and identifies potential pitfalls that can derail an otherwise solid personal injury claim. Thorp's purpose in co-authoring this book was to help "level the playing field with knowledge." Published in 2014 by Rutherford Publishing House, the book shot to the top of two Amazon Best Seller categories.
Other Publications
Isaac is a popular speaker on the legal lecture circuit and has shared his knowledge about various aspects of trial practice throughout the state. Published lecture material will be posted on the website from time to time.
- Click on the link to the right to download Isaac's PowerPoint presentation on Pre-trial Motions Practice.
Isaac had the privilege of lecturing about pre-trial motions practice to members of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice.
- Click on the link to the right to download Carlos Mahoney's article on Handling Settlements with Minors.
Carlos Mahoney, an excellent attorney with Glenn, Mills, Fisher and Mahoney in Durham, North Carolina, wrote a highly useful guide called "Handling Settlements with Minors". With his permission, we have posted it here.
- Click on the link to the right to download Isaac’s presentation to the North Carolina Bar Association concerning a Review of Major Personal Injury Appellate Decisions.
Isaac presented a “Review of Major Personal Injury Appellate Decisions” to several hundred lawyers at the North Carolina Bar Association’s Annual Law Review in November 2014. Isaac identified major appellate decisions that were published in 2013-2014 that were likely to affect personal injury attorney.
- Click on the link to the right to download Isaac's paper on Discovery and Ethics - Combating Evasive Discovery Tactics.

We Stand Behind Our Core Values.
The Thorp Law Promise
Our loyalty to victims expands beyond our determination for justice. We strive to restore their comfort and peace of mind through it all.
Our firm only handles cases that we believe in. If we see potential after assessing the evidence, we can immediately get a winning strategy in the works.
We do everything in our power to champion our clients' best interests, and we only ask that they provide that same level of allegiance in return.

Millions Obtained for the Injured
Past Verdicts & Settlements
Each case is unique and must be evaluated on its individual merits. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case.
$800,000 Auto Accident
$1,100,000 Brain Injury/Industrial Accident
$1,300,000 Brain Injury/Premises Liability Accident
$2,570,000 Brain Injury/Truck Accident/Spine Injury
$1,700,000.00 Bus Injury Accident/Traumatic Brain Injury
$1,000,000 Car Wreck